Julie Fontannaz
MCE Avocats & Notaires (Martigny)
Avenue de la Gare 56
Case postale 232
1920 Martigny 1
Trainee notary since 2023
After graduating from high school and spending a year as an exchange student in the United States, Julie Fontannaz went on to complete a bilingual French/German Bachelor’s degree at the University of Fribourg (specialising in European law; magna cum laude).
In 2023, she then obtained a Master’s degree in Swiss Law from the University of Lausanne, specialising in ‘Private and Tax Law of Wealth’ and ‘International Taxation’, graduating summa cum laude.
Since March 2023, Julie Fontannaz has been a trainee notary with Gaspard Couchepin and Julien Lattion in Martigny.
Languages :
- French
- English
- German
Education :
- Bachelor of law, University of Fribourg, specialising in bilingual law and European law, magna cum laude
- Master of Law, University of Lausanne, specialising in private and tax law of wealth and international taxation, summa cum laude
MCE Legal
Bureau Lausanne
Bureau Lausanne
Rue du Grand-Chêne 1
Case postale 1106
CH-1001 Lausanne
MCE Legal
Bureau Martigny
Bureau Martigny
CH-1920 Martigny