Marie Métrailler

MCE Avocats & Notaires (Martigny)
Avenue de la Gare 56
Case postale 232
1920 Martigny 1


Trainee lawyer since 2022

After graduating in German from Collège Spiritus Sanctus in Brig in 2017, Marie Métrailler continued her studies with a bilingual French/German Bachelor’s degree from the University of Fribourg, during which she completed a two-month traineeship with the Monthey District Court.

In February 2022, she graduated magna cum laude from the University of Fribourg with a Master’s degree in bilingual French/German law.

In parallel with her university studies, Marie Métrailler worked part-time as a lawyer in a law firm in Monthey.

Marie Métrailler has been a trainee lawyer in Martigny since April 2022.

Languages  :

  • French
  • English
  • German

Education :

  • Bachelor of law, bilingual honours
  • Master of law, bilingual, magna cum laude

MCE Legal
Bureau Lausanne

Rue du Grand-Chêne 1
Case postale 1106
CH-1001 Lausanne

MCE Legal
Bureau Martigny

Avenue de la Gare 56
CH-1920 Martigny