
Liability for risk and liability insurance: what they owe to each other, in: Franz Werro/Pascal Pichonnaz (ed.). RC Day of the University of Fribourg, to be published 2018, Vincent Brulhart.

Sign up & drive: what insurance? Remarks on the emergence of the collaborative economy and its dependence on insurance, in: Bettina Kahil (ed.). IDAT 2017 conference, Bern (20 pages, to be published in 2018).

Commentary on the judgment of the Federal Court 2C_418/2018 regarding real estate gains and tax deferral, in Revue de droit administrative et de droit fiscal, 2nd part, 2018, II p.589.

Private insurance law, 2nd ed., Staempfli legal summary, Bern 2017, Vincent Brulhart.

The employer and the insurer facing variable geometry disability, Panorama III in labor law, Collection of studies carried out by practitioners, Berne 2017, p. 241 ff. Christine Savioz-Nicole

Insurance pricing in a liberalized market, legal, actuarial limits and business ethics, in: HAVE/REAS 2/2016, pp. 155-163, Vincent Brulhart.

V. Brulhart/F. Bohnet, legal protection: discussed limits to the choice of lawyer, debate in: Plea 2/2016, pp. 12-14.

Insurance pricing in a liberalized market, legal, actuarial limits and business ethics, in: HAVE/REAS 2/2016, pp. 155-163, Vincent Brulhart.

V. Brulhart/F. Bohnet, legal protection: discussed limits to the choice of lawyer, debate in: Plea 2/16, pp.12-14.

V. Brulhart/F. Werro, The language of insurers escapes most people, debate in: Plea 1/16, pp. 6-8, Vincent Brulhart.

Conflicts of interest and some commonly discussed contractual clauses in insurance matters, in: Franz Werro/Pascal Pichonnaz (ed.). CR Law Day of the University of Friborg 2015, Bern 2016, pp. 77-98, Vincent Brulhart.

The manipulation of polluting emissions in automobile matters: some considerations from the angle of insurance liability, in: Franz Werro/Thomas Probst (ed.). Road Traffic Law Days of the University of Friborg 2016, Bern 2016, pp. 73-98, Vincent Brulhart.

Jurisprudence in matters of private insurance: evolve in complete safety!, in: Mixtures published on the occasion of the 20th Law Marathon, Geneva Order of Lawyers, Geneva 2015, pp. 133-141, Vincent Brulhart.

Some remarks on serial damage in construction, in: DC 6/2014, pp. 267-270, Vincent Brulhart.

Economics in insurance, in: HAVE/REAS 4/2014, pp. 376-387, Vincent Brulhart.

Die Behandlungskosten aus Versicherungssicht, in: Medinfo: Mitteilung zu Themen der Privatversicherer, SVV, 02/2014, pp. 46-55, Vincent Brulhart.

Die Behandlungskosten aus Versicherungssicht, in: Medinfo: Mitteilung zu Themen der Privatversicherer, SVV, 02/2014, pp. 46-55, Vincent Brulhart.

Processing costs in insurance matters: between solidarity and economics, in: Infomed: Bulletin of private insurers, ASA, 02/2014, pp. 46-55, Vincent Brulhart.

“The transfer of shares of a dormant company (mantle of shares): current situation and prospects”, in Semaine Judiciaire (SJ 2014 II 197) Geneva 2014, n°7, p. 197 ff, Gaspard Couchepin. Online access:

Critical look at some recent developments in private insurance law, text from a conference presented in November 2013 at the Geneva Society of Law and Legislation, publication in a special notebook of the SJ 2014 II, pp. 73-107, Vincent Brulhart.

Some thoughts on the legal status of insurance comparators on the Internet – an update on the regulation of intermediation, in: Franz Werro/Thomas Probst (ed.), Road Traffic Law Days June 26-27, 2014, Bern 2014, pp. 127-153 ff, Vincent Brulhart.

Some remarks on serial damage in construction, in: DC 6/2014, pp. 267-270

Analysis from a tax perspective of art. 79b para. 3, 1st sentence of the federal law on occupational pensions, in Administrative law and tax law review, 2nd part, 2014 (cited by the Federal Court in ATF 142 II 399, at 3.2), CHILLÀ Christian.

Insurable damage – some reflections on the technical and legal limits of insurability, in: Franz Werro and Pascal Pichonnaz (editors), CR Law Day of the University of Fribourg, Bern 2013, pp. 243-271, Vincent Brulhart.

Fault and causality, short essay on major concepts, in: Christine Chappuis/Stephan Fuhrer (ed.). Mixtures offered to Roland Brehm for his eightieth birthday, Bern 2012, pp. 53-64, Vincent Brulhart

“Commentary on inheritance law” (A. Eigenmann / N. Rouiller, editors), art. 538-560; 580-597; 611-619 CC / LDFR 11-24, Stämpfli, Bern 2012 (1140 pp.), Gaspard Couchepin and Laurent Maire. [Commentary of the Swiss civil Code – Ingeritance Law].

“Commentary on inheritance law” (A. Eigenmann / N. Rouiler, editors), art. 537 CC, Stämpfli, Bern 2012 (1140 pp.), Gaspard Couchepin. [Commentary of the Swiss Civil Code – Inheritance Law].

“Commentary on inheritance law” (A. Eigenmann / N. Rouiller, editors), art. 610 CC, Stämpfli, Bern 2012 (1140 pp.), Laurent Maire. [Commentary of the Swiss Civil Code – Inheritance Law].

Rechtliche Aspekte der Naturalrestitution durch den Versicherer, in: Franz Werro / Thmas Probst (ed.), Strassenverkehrsrechtstagung der Universität Freiburg, Berne 2012, pp.131-144, Vincent Brulhart.

Legal aspects of insurance benefits in kind, in: Franz Werro/Thomas Probst (ed.), Road Traffic Law Days of the University of Fribourg, Bern 2012, pp. 205-222, Vincent Brulhart.

Review/Buchbesprechung: Stephan Fuhrer, Schweizerisches Privatversichrungsrecht, Zurich 2011, in: AJP/PJA 10/2011, pp. 1405-1408, Vincent Brulhart.

“Auditing companies subject to state supervision, Advantages and Disadvantages of voluntary submission”, article published in the Chartered Accountant (Special issue on law and supervision in matters of auditing, 08/11 in collaboration with Sabine D’Amelio Favez and Alessandro Ruta of the ASR).

On the role of the private insurer and its image, in: Forum HAVE/REAS 3/2011, pp. 287-289, Vincent Brulhart.

The Judge and the expert: what is the value of the separation of powers in civil liability law, in: Christine Chappuis/Bénédict Winiger (ed.), RC Day of the University of Geneva, Berne 2011, pp. 37-51, Vincent Brulhart.

From the international (insurance) contract, in: Innovatives Recht, Mixtures in honor of Ivo Schwander, Zurich 2011, pp. 471-484, Vincent Brulhart.

Some aspects of ensuring legal protection in relation to civil proceedings, in: Franz Werro/Pascal Pichonnaz (ed.), RC Law Day of the University of Fribourg, Bern 2011, pp. 55-99, Vincent Brulhart.

The criminal sanctions of the law of supervision of private insurance institutions in the light of the principle of legality, in: Mixtures for Pierre Wessner, For a committed and warm law, Neuchâtel 2011, pp. 571-584, Vincent Brulhart.

Revision of the Unfair Competition Law: why the insurance sector is concerned, in: AGEFI, July 8, 2010, p. 4, Vincent Brulhart.

When medical success gives rise to fault, remarks on a judgment of June 19, 2009 of the Administrative Court of Nîmes on therapeutic relentlessness, in: HAVE/REAS 2/2010, pp. 142-145, Vincent Brulhart.

Some aspects of recent developments in legal protection insurance and its regulation, in: HAVE/REAS 2/2010, pp. 248-254, Vincent Brulhart.

A brief history of insurance: from maritime trade to consumer protection, in: Stephan Fuhrer (ed.), Miscellanies for the fiftieth anniversary of the Insurance Law Society, Zurich 2010, pp. 59-69, Vincent Brulhart.

Insurance law and private international law: between respectful indifference and common future, in: Forum HAVE/REAS 1/2009, pp. 60-61, Vincent Brulhart.

The plurality of those responsible, some issues in insurance law, in: Franz Werro (ed.), The plurality of those responsible, Berne 2009, pp. 60-61, Vincent Brulhart.

“The forfeiture of damage”, in Judicial Week (SJ) II, Geneva 2009, n°1, p.1 ff, Gaspard Couchepin. Online access:

The insurer’s duty of pre-contractual information, in: Christine Chappuis/Bénédict Winiger (ed.), The duty of information, Civil Liability Day of the University of Geneva 2008, Berne 2009, pp. 201-228, Vincent Brulhart.

“Transport contracts” in Tercier/Favre, Special contracts, 4th ed. 2008, p. 957 ff, Gaspard Couchepin. Online access:

“The package travel contract”, in Tercier/Favre, Special contracts, 4th ed. 2008, p. 981 ff, Gaspard Couchepin. Online access:

“The ordinary deposit contract”, in Tercier/Favre, Special contracts, 4th ed. 2008, p. 995 ff, Gaspard Couchepin. Online access:

“The penal clause: general study and some practical applications in construction law”, Gaspard Couchepin, doctoral thesis, University of Friborg AISUF, Zurich 2008. Online access:

A principle of clarity in the legal order? in: Mixtures in honor of Pierre Tercier, Zurich 2008, pp. 141-151, Vincent Brulhart.

Private insurance law, legal summary Staempfli, Berne 2008, Vincent Brulhart.

V. Brulhart/O. Carré, partial LCA revision, recent experiences, in: Franz Werro (ed.) Road Traffic Law Day of the University of Fribourg, Bern 2008, pp. 73-90, Vincent Brulhart.

Total LCA review: are there still gaps in the protection of victims of serious bodily injury? in: Forum HAVE/REAS 3/2017, The total revision of the LCA, pp. 286-288, Vincent Brulhart.

The draft “Rome II” Regulation on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations: its impact on road traffic, particularly in the light of Swiss law, in: HAVE/REAS 1/2017, pp. 3-12, Vincent Brulhart.

Contractual freedom: legal basis and technical imperative of private insurance, in: Forum HAVE/REAS 1/2007, Prices based on nationality, pp. 89-96, Vincent Brulhart.

Benign lesions of the cervical spine: the challenges for the person responsible and their insurer, in: Christine Chappuis/Bénédict Winiger (ed.), RC Day of the University of Geneva, Berne 2007, pp. 37-51, Vincent Brulhart.

“The Swiss limited company (commercial law, merger law, stock market law, tax law)” (with Marc Bauen and Robert Bernet), Schulthess/Bruylant/LGDJ, Zurich / Brussels / Paris 2007 (XXV + 805 pp.) [ Swiss Corporations: commercial law, restructuring, stock exchange law, tax law]

“Swiss Law of Obligations and Principles of European Contract Law”, Corporate Law Center of the University of Lausanne, 2007 (LXII + 947 pp.) [Swiss Law of Obligations and Principles of European Contract Law]

Coverage over time in civil liability insurance, in: Franz Werro (ed.), Time in civil liability, Berne 2007, pp. 53-69, Vincent Brulhart.

Selected issues of coordination in LPP benefits, in: Bettina Kahil-Wolff/Remy Wyler (ed.), IRAL Conference 2006, Bern 2007, pp. 123-141, Vincent Brulhart.

Mutuality in private insurance, between contractual freedom and equal treatment, in: The tree of the method and its civil fruits, Collection of works in honor of Professor Suzette Sandoz, Geneva/Zurich/Basel, 2006, pp . 435-446, Vincent Brulhart.

Collective insurance in the event of illness, in: Bettina Kahil-Wolff/Rémy Wyler (ed.), Social law in business practice, IRAL Conference 2005, Bern 2006, pp. 95-111, Vincent Brulhart.

The insurance case, in: Anton K. Schnyder/Stephan Weber (ed.), Totalrevision VVG, Ein Wurf für die nächsten 100 Jahre?, Zurich 2006, pp. 85-94, Vincent Brulhart.

The employer’s civil liability and its insurance, in: Bettina Kahil-Wolff/Rémy Wyler (ed.), Social insurance, employer liability, private insurance, Berne 2005, pp. 139-152, Vincent Brulhart.

V. Brulhart/G. Chappuis/U. by Maddalena/J. Waldmeier/S. Weber, Tort Law and Liability Insurance, in: Gerhard Wagner (ed.), Tort Law and Liability Insurance, Vienna/New York 2005, pp. 173-198.

Some remarks relating to the new legislation on the supervision of private insurance institutions, in: Mixtures in honor of Pierre Moor, Berne 2005, pp. 207-222, Vincent Brulhart.

The coverage of purely economic damage by the private insurer, in: Christine Chappuis/Bénédict Winiger (ed.), Civil Liability Day 2004, Berne 2005, pp. 107-123, Vincent Brulhart.

The tenant’s civil liability and damage caused to buildings by the forces of nature, selected questions regarding insurance coverage, in: 13th Lease Law Days of the University of Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel 2004, pp. 1 ff, Vincent Brulhart.

The influence of the constitutional predisposition on the liability of the person responsible, in: Franz Werro (ed.), The determination of compensation, Civil Liability Law Day of the University of Friborg 2003, Bern 2004, pp. 89-107, Vincent Brulhart.

Die strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit bei Mehrheitsentscheidungen von Gremien in Aktiengesellschaften, insbesondere des Verwaltungsrates und der Geschäftsleituneg, Diss. Zurich 2004, Petra Camathias Ziegler.

“The road and road traffic: systematic presentation of jurisprudence” Pierre Tercier/Benoît Carron/Gaspard Couchepin, in Journal des tribunals (JT), Lausanne 2004, p. 445 ff. Online access:

The supervision of private insurance in change, in: Road Traffic Law Days of the University of Fribourg, Friborg 2004, pp. 206-242, Vincent Brulhart.

The choice of applicable law – selected questions (with a draft uniform regulation of electionjuris and some reflections on the connection of insurance contracts), habilitation thesis of the University of St. Gallen, Bern 2004, Vincent Brulhart.

Review of the doctoral thesis of Christophe Mistelli, Responsibility for purely economic damage, Zurich 1999, in: HAVE/REAS 1/2003, pp. 75-76, Vincent Brulhart.

Commentary on case law (unpublished judgment of the Federal Court rendered in 2001 [sum insurance and damage insurance]), in: AJP/PJA 7/2002, pp. 838-840, Vincent Brulhart.

Commentary on case law (unpublished judgment of the Federal Court rendered in 2001 [the right of lien according to the LCA]), in Journal des tribunals (JT); Lausanne 2002, p. 561 ff. Online access:

“Telecommunication service concessions – Study of Swiss law and European law” Leila Roussianos, doctoral thesis, Bern 2002. Online consultation:

Commentary on case law (judgment of the Federal Court of January 2001 devoted to art. 46 LCA), in: AJP/PJA 9/2001, pp. 1102-1105, Vincent Brulhart.

Review of the doctoral thesis of Guo Guang, Rechtfrage der Gründung und des Betriebs von Joint Ventures in der Volksrepublik China, Cologne 1998, in: AJP/PJA 6/2001, pp. 743-744, Vincent Brulhart.

Alternativ-Sanktionen and der “Net-Widening”-Effekt – a quasi-experimenteller Test, in: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Stafrechtswissenschaft (ZStW), Band 112 (2000) 637-652, Martin Killias, Petra Camathias, Brigitte Stump.

Commentary on case law (ATF 124 lll 382), in: AJP/PJA 2/1999, pp. 216-220 (international civil procedure and private international law), Vincent Brulhart.

“Determining the sale price”, License thesis, Faculty of Law, Friborg 1999, Gaspard Couchepin. Online access:

Review of Vito Roberto’s habilitation thesis, Schadenrecht, Basel 1997, in: AJP/PJA 8/1998, pp. 1000-1002, Vincent Brulhart.

International jurisdiction in insurance matters in the European Judicial Area, St-Galler Studien zum internationalen Recht, St-Gall thesis, 1997, Vincent Brulhart.

“Europäisches Kulturrecht”, University of Tübingen, Tübingen 1997, Gaspard Couchepin. Online access:

Some remarks relating to the law applicable to additional insurance in the new LAMal regime, in: Jean-Louis Duc (ed.), Collection of works in honor of the Swiss Insurance Law Society, Lausanne 1997, pp. 735-755

“A catalog of the fundamental rights of the European Union” Laurent Maire, in: In the name of the European peoples – in the name of the people of Europe, Baden-Baden, 1996.

“Citizenship of the Union” Laurent Maire, in: Possibilities, recommendations and suggestions aimed at protecting and developing citizenship of the Union in the perspective of the 1996 intergovernmental conference on the revision of the Maastricht Treaty.

Reflections on possible models for the harmonization of insurance contract law in the European Union, in: Swiss Insurance Review, 1994, pp. 286-294, Vincent Brulhart.

Von den Pflichten des Spitals gegenüber dem Haftpflichtversicherer im Schadenfall, in: Vereinigung der Spitalverwaltungsleiter (VSV), Nr. 2/Juni 1990, pp. 1ss, Vincent Brulhart.

Identity of owner in the event of deferral of taxation of private real estate gain according to art. 12 para. 3 let. e LHID, in Revue fiscal May 2012, CHILLÀ Christian/AXELROUD Danielle.

Principle of automatic taxation in the case of an independent taxpayer, in Revue fiscal April 2013, CHILLÀ Christian.

Relationship between taxpayer and agent in the event of tax evasion: passive solidarity, mandate contract and spontaneous denunciation, in Fiscal Review March 2017, CHILLÀ Christian.

Translation of judgments of the Federal Court in tax matters (from Italian to French), CHILLÀ Christian.

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