Mélissa Lentes
MCE Avocats & Notaires (Martigny)
Avenue de la Gare 56
Case postale 232
1920 Martigny 1
Trainee lawyer since 2023
Mélissa Lentes obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Swiss law with a major in religious law from the University of Fribourg in 2021. She continued her studies there and obtained her Master’s degree in Swiss law in 2023, graduating magna cum laude.
In parallel with her studies, Mélissa Lentes worked as a legal secretary in a notary’s office and was a member of the Fribourg students’ voluntary legal service.
Mélissa Lentes then completed a three-month internship with the Juvenile Court of the canton of Valais.
Since August 2023, Mélissa Lentes has been a trainee lawyer with Gaspard Couchepin and Xavier Vuissoz in Martigny.
Languages :
- French
- English
- German
Education :
- Bachelor of law, specialising in religious law
- Master of law, magna cum laude
MCE Legal
Bureau Lausanne
Bureau Lausanne
Rue du Grand-Chêne 1
Case postale 1106
CH-1001 Lausanne
MCE Legal
Bureau Martigny
Bureau Martigny
CH-1920 Martigny