Salomé Dini
MCE Avocats & Notaires (Martigny)
Avenue de la Gare 56
Case postale 232
1920 Martigny 1
Trainee lawyer
Salomé Dini graduated from the University of Lausanne in 2021 with a Bachelor’s degree in Swiss Law. She went on to obtain a Master’s degree in Law from the University of Lausanne in 2023, graduating magna cum laude with a major in Labour Law and Social Security.
In 2023, following her university studies, Salomé Dini completed a three-month internship with the Martigny and St-Maurice District Court.
At the same time, she joined the Comité du Jeune Barreau et Notariat Valaisans, as head of courses.
Since August 2023, Salomé Dini has been working as a trainee lawyer with Julien Lattion and Marie-Laure Moerch in Martigny.
She works mainly in French and also speaks English.
MCE Legal
Bureau Lausanne
Bureau Lausanne
Rue du Grand-Chêne 1
Case postale 1106
CH-1001 Lausanne
MCE Legal
Bureau Martigny
Bureau Martigny
CH-1920 Martigny